Kingsmill Resort
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Seasonal Camp Counselor
United States
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Application Form
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First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Email *
Phone(s) *
Salary requirement
Date available for employment *
Are you either a U.S. citizen or an alien who has the legal right to work in the job for which you are applying? All applicants who are conditionally offered employement will be required to produce documentation establishing their lawful right to work in the job for which they have been hired within seventy-two hours after an offer of employment is made. *
Have you previously applied for employment or been employed by Escalante Golf? *
Name of most recent employer
Most recent employer/address/city/state/zip
Position and dates of employment
Specific job duties
Reason for leaving or wanting to leave recent employer
Immediate supervisor (Name and Title)
If presently employed, may we contact your employer?
2 Previous employer
2 Previous employer address/city/state/zip
2 Previous employer position and dates of employment
2 Salary
2 Specific job duties
2 Reason for leaving position
2 Immediate supervisor (Name and Title)
3 Previous employer
3 Previous employer address/city/state/zip
3 Specific job duties
3 Salary
3 Reason for leaving position
3 Previous employee position and dates of employment
3 Immediate supervisor (name and title)
High School Attended/Course or Degree/Academic Average
College(s) Attended/Course and Degree/Academic Average
Please list any other educational training
List any special skills or certifications that you may have received.
List any Miltary Service/Technical Specification/Rank/Date Entered/Date Discharged
Please provide four references including, business, professional, academic. If you do ot have such referenes, please give a sufficient number of personal references to bring the total references to four. Do not include relatives. Please include their name, address, phone number, email, relationship and the years known.
I hearby certify that all data contained in this application for employment is true and complete. I understand that any falsification may jeopardize my chance for employment or result in immediate dismissal if I am already employed. *
I authorize a thorough investigation in connection with this application concerning my character, general reputation and background, criminal record, credit history and personal characteristics, whichever may be applicable. *
I agree to indemnify Escalante Golf against any claim or other employers, which might result from making such investigations. *
Further, I authorize my former employers to furnish a history of my employment with them and the reasons for the termination thereof. Moreover, I release from all liability and responsibility all persons and entities on this application, including my present employers, if contact with them is authorized by me above. *
I understand that this is not a contract of employment; however, if I am employed by Escalante Golf, I agree to conform to the rules and regulations of Escalante Golf and I understand that I have the right to terminate my employment at any time, with or without cause, and that Escalante Golf has a similar right. *
I also understand that employment with Escalante Golf is contingent upon the successful completion of a drug screen, criminal and credit history background check. *
This application is current for ninety days. After that time, if I have not heard Escalante Golf, I understand it will be necessary for me to complete a new application if I still wish to be considered for employment. *
Thanks for your time
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